Why sexual desire dropped for many women ?

It has been almost four years since the world went into lockdown from the Covid-19 pandemic — but don't be surprised if you haven't brought sexy back yet. Sexual function — which includes factors like desire, arousal and pleasure — in men and women decreased significantly after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a January 2022 meta-an...
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How Blue-Origin or SpaceX relates to Vedanta?

​ Let's try to explore what it takes to evolve beyond the human mind, and why it can be difficult to do it. Planetary and interstellar rockets have a common characteristics: they need power to lift and win the Earth's gravitational pull. Of course the same apply to satellites that are meant to orbit the Earth too and in this case the need to mainta...
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Is transgender linked to sex chromosomes?

​ Being transgender has to do with how a person feels about their gender, not how many X's or Y's they have. At birth, doctors look at the genitals of our bodies to see if we are a boy or a girl, and most of the time, when someone physically looks like a boy, they also feel like they are a boy in their brains. People whose feelings about their gend...
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What are the 3 elements of consciousness?

Consciousness is the ability to be conscious of ourselves and the surrounding. But I think this definition should extend to everything that exist in Nature, not just human beings. For example, according to Biology a virus may not be considered alive as it cannot reproduce on its own. However, a virus is aware of the surrounding since it targets cel...
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Jeremy Bentham proposed a link between happiness and right action. What is the challenge of this approach?

​ Jeremy was an English philosopher who lived between mid 1700 and early 1800. While happiness may seems a good candidate to define what a right action could be, defining happiness can be challenging. That's because if we say something increases our happiness, we must first define what is happiness, and if we ask 10 people we may get 10 different a...
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How social media affect mental-health in girls?

When used to harm others anything can do it, including social media. A knife in the hand of a surgeon can save a life, and in the hands of a criminal can kill. Social media posts used to harm others may impact everyone's mental-health, especially teen girls. Instagram says it's looking at new ways to discourage users from focusing on their physical...
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Why Faster is a myth?

​ In today's culture we run like hamsters in their wheel. Sure, we're proud our our success, we invented so many things and discovered so many others. But is it really good to go faster ? In the market everything seems aligned to this concept. We get a pill, so our headache can go away quickly, then we do Yoga 1hr twice in a week, because that's go...
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What is a Life Coach and why we'd care?

Life coaching is an emerging role that can change your life. A life coach is a professional who helps people make progress in their lives in order to achieve their goals. For example, kids are unable to perform well at school and you (the parent) realize that Math is the effect not the cause of it. Something else is preventing them to perform, and ...
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What happen if we don't sleep enough?

The quality of sleep is important if we want to have a quality of life during the day. Not getting enough sleep can lower our sex drive, weaken our immune system, cause thinking issues, and lead to weight gain. When you don't get enough sleep, you may also increase our risk of certain cancers, diabetes, and even car accidents. Losing sleep can also...
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Did COVID-19 save the world?

It looks like a war, with casualties and losses of human lives. While the origin of the virus is still under investigation, the medical community seems to agree that the virus was first found in animals, and then it moved to humans. Meat consumption of infected animals seems the most plausible reason of Covid-19 pandemic. From a Zen perspective it ...
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How are yin, yang and karma related?

They describe the same pattern. Karma (action) is a law that tends to balance our actions through a cause-effect pattern. Action in this case include thoughts, words, and proper actions. Every action starts in the mind as a thought, and in Indian culture the mental plane (Chidakash) survive physical death and trigger the next birth in an endless cy...
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What are 3 main threats to our health?

Yes, I don't differentiate between body and mental health because I consider both related and actually one thing, as the concept of spacetime in physics. Can we have a healthy body when our mind is in trouble? Apparently the body may work fine, but without motivation and human values [1] our actions will be void. Conversely, a brilliant mind encaps...
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Why do many couples start panicking over low sex drive?

In my view the short answer is fear. Our mind is a bundle of desires (for pleasure) and fear (of pain). For some of us, under certain circumstances like Covid, our habits breaks away, and with them our confidence. For example, along with human lives losses, Covid changed our habits, as we suddenly found ourselves to live almost entirely at hom...
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What are the effects of too much information?

Thanks to modern communication systems, and internet in particular, we consume more information than we used to in all the past centuries combined. But there are some side effects on doing that, for example: 1. Social media tend to amplify fake news because that is the downside of those platforms. People's desires and fears (frustrations) are refle...
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How do I become a holistic health practitioner?

​ Natural Medicine [2] is a broad range of practices aimed to restore the balance (homeostasis) in the body-mind complex. These include Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Iridology, Nutrition and Lifestyle. To become a health practitioner you should join a holistic Institute that is able to teach you both traditional and holistic medicine. In ...
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Albert Szent | Moving Energy (and Prana)

​ Albert Szent-Györgyi was a Hungarian biochemist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1937. He is credited with first isolating vitamin C and discovering the components and reactions of the citric acid cycle. [1] Devoting himself to a study of the biochemistry of muscular action, he discovered a protein in muscle that he named "act...
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Can you solve 1+1= 1?

​ Love is the universal force that run the universe. Before money, nuclear weapons, quantum mechanics, and dinosaurs, Love was there ​ It's the foundation of life itself, and it is invincible, beyond birth and death. But Love implies strong qualities like Respect and Peace, which everyone has inside. We just need to manifest them in action. By remo...
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Detox with Chelation Therapy

The mighty, unsinkable idea of dominating Nature is probably another aspect of the COVID pandemic. (coronavirus) The iceberg, heavier than the ship itself, sounds like an invitation to change, on a global scale. It took only a microscopic effort for Nature to deliver such powerful message. A small trigger, with a massive impact.  Suddenly...
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5 Superpowers we didn't know we had

​ Since Marvel movies took over the industry, and Greta mentioned her advantage over their critics, superpowers have become cooler than ever. In this article I'd like to focus more on those powers that everyone has inside and that will deliver great value if we could use them. What uncle Ben once told Peter, has become famous: "with great powers, c...
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As a prison doctor, Amanda Brown knows compassion is the best medicine

For Dr Amanda Brown, a village GP in Buckinghamshire, the idea of working in a prison was so off the radar that when the offer came, her first reaction was surprise that such jobs existed. "It had never occurred to me that doctors even worked in prisons," she says. "How stupid was I? But I thought it sounded fun. Interesting. Different." The offer ...
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