If a person doesn’t want to take medication forever, can Eastern medical treatments be an alternative?

Yes of course, and that's what common sense usually suggests, but there are few implications in your question.  The 1st : Does Eastern medicine create dependencies as Western medicine? Yes. The 2nd : Does Eastern medicine work better that Western medicine? It depends. I think it's pretty common for an individual to look for alternatives if the...
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How are yin, yang and karma related?

They describe the same pattern. Karma (action) is a law that tends to balance our actions through a cause-effect pattern. Action in this case include thoughts, words, and proper actions. Every action starts in the mind as a thought, and in Indian culture the mental plane (Chidakash) survive physical death and trigger the next birth in an endless cy...
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What is the difference between traditional medicine and alternative medicine?

​ Traditional medicine is the ancient practice of skills related to prevention and treatment of health conditions. For example, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda are part of traditional medicine (also called Alternative Medicine). This medicine advocates the root cause analysis of health conditions, and aiming to restore the homeostasis [1]...
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How the mind and heart can be changed by humanity?

The human mind is soft and tender by nature, but bad thoughts can enter the mind and change it. All are good, but there are bad actions. Desires (for pleasure) are the main reason for violence in this world, since they trigger fear (of pain), which in turn trigger insecurity and violence. To be strong, we need strong qualities, whereas today we mis...
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What is Naturopathy

​ With the discovery of modern medicine, based on scientific research, people started being vaccinated and cured for several diseases, that only few decades ago were thought to be incurable.  Modern medicine also play a crucial role in first aid, where a fraction of time can separate life from death. The value provided to the community by Medi...
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Reducing Hemorrhoids with TCM, and Yoga

Hemorrhoids, or Piles, are vascular structures in the anal canal. In their normal state, they are cushions that help with stool control. They become a disorder when swollen or inflamed. Internal hemorrhoids often result in painless, bright red rectal bleeding when defecating. External hemorrhoids often result in pain and swelling in the area of the...
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Chinese medicine gains WHO acceptance but it has many critics

Herbal remedies have been used by healers around the world for centuries to prevent and treat disease. But it's in China that the practice has been most extensively used and documented. Advocates have campaigned to integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine into mainstream global health care and those long-standing TCM efforts have paid off: The World ...
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NHS, UK ​   Acupuncture is a treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine. Fine needles are inserted at certain sites in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes. It is used in many NHS general practices, as well as the majority of pain clinics and hospices in the UK. Acupuncture is often seen as a form of complementary or alt...
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