ND, Reflexologist

Are sweeteners any good?

A low-calorie sweetener called xylitol used in many reduced-sugar foods and consumer products such as gum and toothpaste may be linked to nearly twice the risk of heart attacks, stroke and death in people who consume the highest levels of the sweetener, a new study found. "We gave healthy volunteers a typical drink with xylitol to see how high the ...
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What is AI's view on gender identity?

Here is my conversation with Gemini AI. [Me] Hi pal, what are the key issues with gender ideology? [AI] The term "gender ideology" itself is a bit contested. Critics often use it to describe a wide range of ideas about gender, and some argue it's a way to dismiss legitimate areas of study (https://www.awid.org/resources/brief-gender-ideology-narrat...
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Why sexual desire dropped for many women ?

It has been almost four years since the world went into lockdown from the Covid-19 pandemic — but don't be surprised if you haven't brought sexy back yet. Sexual function — which includes factors like desire, arousal and pleasure — in men and women decreased significantly after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a January 2022 meta-an...
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What is the impact of microplastics on human health?

Scientists have recognized plastic pollution as an environmental problem for a long time, but recently it has increased substantially and become more urgent to manage. Besides the visible plastic pollution, like bags and bottles, the focus also has come on the invisible form – the microplastic particles. The study of microplastic contamination of f...
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Can exercise age you?

It's commonly accepted that physical activity helps strengthen the body and sharpen the mind. But how exactly does exercise benefit our bodies? When we exercise, our body engages in physical activity and increases our heart rate beyond resting levels in order to send oxygen to the different parts of our body. Our heart adapts to the stress and beco...
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Is transgender linked to sex chromosomes?

​ Being transgender has to do with how a person feels about their gender, not how many X's or Y's they have. At birth, doctors look at the genitals of our bodies to see if we are a boy or a girl, and most of the time, when someone physically looks like a boy, they also feel like they are a boy in their brains. People whose feelings about their gend...
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How many probiotics survive in Yogurt?

Probiotics are foods or supplements that contain live microorganisms intended to maintain or improve useful bacteria (normal microflora) in the body. Yogurt is a probiotic whereas Prebiotics are foods (typically high-fiber foods) that act as food for probiotics. However, when we eat yogurt not all useful bacteria reach the intestine. The concentrat...
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What are the 3 elements of consciousness?

Consciousness is the ability to be conscious of ourselves and the surrounding. But I think this definition should extend to everything that exist in Nature, not just human beings. For example, according to Biology a virus may not be considered alive as it cannot reproduce on its own. However, a virus is aware of the surrounding since it targets cel...
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How toxins can drive weight gain?

A new study suggest that Ffragments of bacteria leaking into the body from the gut are damaging fat cells and driving weight gain. [1] Scientists at Nottingham Trent University have found that these microbe fragments, known as endotoxins, are able to enter the blood stream and directly affect how well fat cells function. The researchers said their ...
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Which food contribute to carbon footprint?

Food's carbon footprint, or footprint, is the greenhouse gas emissions produced by growing, processing, transporting, storing, cooking and disposing of the food you eat. In the US, each household produces 48 tons of greenhouse gases. Transport, housing and food have the three largest carbon footprints. Food produces about 8 tons of emissions p...
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How to live longer?

​ The short answer is: support your body-mind complex, don't go against it. And yes, there is more that just eating salads and walking. Lifestyle is important, but to have a conductive lifestyle requires some effort. It doesn't come natural for most of people. If you keep smoking, enjoying junk-food and drinking, you can't expect your body to alway...
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Honey may lower your blood sugars and cholesterol

Honey is a natural sweetener that never goes bad when it's properly collected and stored—and according to a new review of research, it may also have benefits for cardiometabolic health. Nutrition Reviews recently published a systematic review and meta-analysis that evaluated the effects of honey, especially raw and clover honey, on risk factors for...
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Everything will come to an end, so nothing really matters?

While the first part is definitely a common experience, we'd probably ask a few more questions before jumping to conclusions. For example, in quantum mechanics we accept the quantum field as a fundamental entity and the particle, eg. a photon, is just an excitation of the photon field - and a photon has no existence outside its field. A quantum fie...
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How do we go beyond Hata Yoga?

​  Hata Yoga is one of the most popular types of Yoga in the world. In western countries it's often used as a form of exercise to relax, keeping the body elastic, and improve breathing. The word Yoga means union with our inner Self (Soul, Atma, God), but until we get that union, our ability to achieve lasting peace will be hopeless. Meditation...
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What is the MBTI psychology test?

​ The Myers Briggs Type Indicator ( MBTI ) Test has been used for a long time to help students, patients, and researchers help understand a person better. This short Myers Briggs test can be used to help find a suitable career, a significant partner, or just for self-improvement. Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers were not world-renowned psyc...
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Natural Supplements | 3 Side Effects

There is something fascinating about supplements. Probably it's the sense of safety, a reassurance that by taking them, we are back on track or we can perform better. But there are some flaws in this approach, let's have a look at 3 of them: 1. Culture . In a modern society where we often run short of time, we look for quick-fix, something that wor...
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How to protect your kidneys?

In USA more than 1 in 7 (37 million people), are estimated to have chronic kidney failure. Transplantation is the treatment of choice for kidney failure, though transplants are in short supply. In USA there are about 100k people on the waiting list for a kidney transplant. In 2021, over 4k patients on the kidney transplant list in the Eurotransplan...
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What are 5 benefits of Licorice?

Liquorice is an extract from the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant which contains glycyrrhizic acid. For thousands of years G. glabra has been used for medicinal purposes across all cultures, in particular in Chinese medicine where it's known as gancao. The following are properties of pure licorice extract, which is quite different from so-called licorice c...
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Is pasta really bad for health?

​ Pasta is one of the first foods people cut out when they're trying to drive down carb consumption. But unlike other items that are often considered "off-limits" for those following a diet or looking to lose weight (think sweets and alcohol), pasta actually does possess some redeeming nutritional qualities. There's even research to suggest that pa...
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How social media affect mental-health in girls?

When used to harm others anything can do it, including social media. A knife in the hand of a surgeon can save a life, and in the hands of a criminal can kill. Social media posts used to harm others may impact everyone's mental-health, especially teen girls. Instagram says it's looking at new ways to discourage users from focusing on their physical...
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