Are energy drinks harming you?

Energy drinks are often the go-to for people wanting to tackle tiredness, however, new research suggests these drinks could be linked to serious conditions. Actually to tackle tiredness we'd rest, restoring a balanced sleep pattern, and eat nutrients that will help our body to restore. Of course that is the ideal but many are looking at a quick fix...
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Are artificial sweeteners any good for health?

The short answer is no, obviously. Neotame, a "relatively new" sweetener, could damage the intestine by causing damage to healthy bacteria in the gut, according to the study, leading it to become diseased and attack the gut wall. The study by Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) and published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, found the negative effe...
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What are the risk factors of head and neck cancer?

Head and neck cancer is a general term to describe different cancers in this area. These cancers start in the tissues in the head and neck area. About 12,200 people are diagnosed with head and neck cancer in the UK every year. This includes cancer of the larynx (voicebox). In the UK, head and neck cancer is the 4th most common cancer in men. The ma...
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How many probiotics survive in Yogurt?

Probiotics are foods or supplements that contain live microorganisms intended to maintain or improve useful bacteria (normal microflora) in the body. Yogurt is a probiotic whereas Prebiotics are foods (typically high-fiber foods) that act as food for probiotics. However, when we eat yogurt not all useful bacteria reach the intestine. The concentrat...
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How toxins can drive weight gain?

A new study suggest that Ffragments of bacteria leaking into the body from the gut are damaging fat cells and driving weight gain. [1] Scientists at Nottingham Trent University have found that these microbe fragments, known as endotoxins, are able to enter the blood stream and directly affect how well fat cells function. The researchers said their ...
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What are Probiotics and Prebiotics?

Probiotics are foods or supplements that contain live microorganisms intended to maintain or improve the "good" bacteria (normal microflora) in the body. Prebiotics are foods (typically high-fiber foods) that act as food for human microflora. Prebiotics are used with the intention of improving the balance of these microorganisms. Probiotics are in ...
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What are PFAS doing to us?

Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are receiving increasing attention, both from regulators and the general public. They are a class of thousands of synthetic chemicals that have a wide range of industrial, professional and consumer uses including surface coatings for textiles, food contact materials and packaging, cleaning agents, paints, varnishes...
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Sugar pandemic | Pancreatic cancer

Sugar is almost everywhere in our diet, including the pizza you buy round the corner. But there are many side effects that may impact our health when we eat too much sugar, and it's not just about cavities. In 2012 the United Nations declared that, for the first time in human history, chronic non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, cancer ...
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How to protect your kidneys?

In USA more than 1 in 7 (37 million people), are estimated to have chronic kidney failure. Transplantation is the treatment of choice for kidney failure, though transplants are in short supply. In USA there are about 100k people on the waiting list for a kidney transplant. In 2021, over 4k patients on the kidney transplant list in the Eurotransplan...
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How do we prevent meningitis?

Meningitis is an inflammation , or swelling, of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. Common bacteria or viruses that can cause meningitis can spread through coughing, sneezing, kissing, or sharing eating utensils, a toothbrush or a cigarette. Careful hand-washing helps prevent the spread of germs. However, injuries, cancer, ...
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What are 5 benefits of Licorice?

Liquorice is an extract from the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant which contains glycyrrhizic acid. For thousands of years G. glabra has been used for medicinal purposes across all cultures, in particular in Chinese medicine where it's known as gancao. The following are properties of pure licorice extract, which is quite different from so-called licorice c...
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What are 3 things to prevent weight gain?

1. Eat only if you're hungry. Getting extra calories when you don't need will tell your body to store them as fat. Fat by itself is not a bad thing. It helps to insulate the body against thermal swings, it protect organs and tissues from mechanical shock, it's a reserve of energy pretty much like a battery. But too much fat may trigger unwanted iss...
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Atopic dermatitis

Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis) is the most common form of eczema, a condition that causes the skin to become itchy, dry and cracked. Atopic eczema is more common in children, often developing before their first birthday. But it may also develop for the first time in adults. It's usually a long-term (chronic) condition, although it can improve si...
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If a person doesn’t want to take medication forever, can Eastern medical treatments be an alternative?

Yes of course, and that's what common sense usually suggests, but there are few implications in your question.  The 1st : Does Eastern medicine create dependencies as Western medicine? Yes. The 2nd : Does Eastern medicine work better that Western medicine? It depends. I think it's pretty common for an individual to look for alternatives if the...
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How warts work and why we'd care

Warts and verruca  are typically small and hard growths that are similar in color to the rest of the skin. They typically do not result in other symptoms, except when on the bottom of the feet, where they may be painful. While they usually occur on the hands and feet, they can also affect other locations. Warts usually do not cause any harm, b...
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How moles work and why we'd care

Moles are small, colored spots on the skin. Most people have them and they're usually nothing to worry about unless they change size, shape or color. It's normal for: babies to be born with moles new moles to appear – especially in children and teenagers moles to fade or disappear as you get older moles to get slightly darker during pregnancy moles...
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Why garlic is so healthy?

​ Highly valued throughout the ages as a culinary spice, garlic is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world. It is a hardy perennial belonging to the liliaceae family. Other members of this family include leeks, chives, spring onions and shallots, all distinguished by their pungent aroma and flavour. The garlic bulb is the most commonly use...
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What are 10 misconceptions about cancer?

1.Hyperbaric oxygen treat cancer Oxygen is one of life's essential ingredients. "Every cell in our body requires oxygen to survive," says Wissam Jaber, MD, Director of Interventional Pulmonary Medicine at our Phoenix hospital. "We are built to consume oxygen." Cancer cells' relationship with oxygen is a bit more complicated, and that realization ha...
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Key Benefits of Running - (resilience)

Both running and jogging are forms of aerobic exercise which are a type of cardiovascular conditioning. It can include activities like swimming, running, or cycling. You probably know it as "cardio", but in reality our body has aerobic and anaerobic (without oxygen) energy systems, and we use both during exercise. By definition, aerobic exercise me...
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12 benefits of Walking

Walking is a great way to improve our health without straining your joints, and it's totally free. Getting out walking burns calories, gets your heart pumping and works your legs and abs. It can also lift your mood, put a smile on your face and improve your general health and wellbeing. A University of Tennessee study found that women who walked ha...
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