Human Values

Human values are embedded in every human being, and promoted since ages in India, and other cultures. The practice of these values is essential to succeed in Yoga, and it support the evolution of the individual to higher level of consciousness.
Human values also offer a practical approach to educate the community on developing strong qualities like Tolerance and Respect, which are the foundation of a better society.


We think that Human transformation can be achieved by practicing Human values. These values are available to everyone and can have a profound effect on the community.

Truth in thoughts, words and deeds, help to clean the mind. Today little importance is given to thoughts which are actually the seed of every action, and we believe that Ignorance can only be eradicated by Truth.
Right conduct can be practiced by lowering other's suffering.
Peace can be supported by developing Tolerance and Respect. Weak qualities like Anger or Fear should be recognised and abandoned.
Love can be expressed with acts of kindness, and as a way to help others.
Non Violence in all its forms can help the individual to remove Fear, which is one of the main routes to violence.

We believe that encouraging the practice of Human Values, will help patients and healthcare professionals, to achieve optimal health.