Is the Soul the Heart and Mind of the Human Being?

​ The Soul, or Atma [1] is the real nature of Man and anything else in the universe. We can think of it as a beam of light , that although without qualities, makes the world visible to the eye. In common language we often refer to the Heart as the emotional part of the mind, but it's just another name for the mind itself, which is a bundle of desir...
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What is the difference between traditional medicine and alternative medicine?

​ Traditional medicine is the ancient practice of skills related to prevention and treatment of health conditions. For example, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda are part of traditional medicine (also called Alternative Medicine). This medicine advocates the root cause analysis of health conditions, and aiming to restore the homeostasis [1]...
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How the mind and heart can be changed by humanity?

The human mind is soft and tender by nature, but bad thoughts can enter the mind and change it. All are good, but there are bad actions. Desires (for pleasure) are the main reason for violence in this world, since they trigger fear (of pain), which in turn trigger insecurity and violence. To be strong, we need strong qualities, whereas today we mis...
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How do I become a holistic health practitioner?

​ Natural Medicine [2] is a broad range of practices aimed to restore the balance (homeostasis) in the body-mind complex. These include Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Iridology, Nutrition and Lifestyle. To become a health practitioner you should join a holistic Institute that is able to teach you both traditional and holistic medicine. In ...
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Albert Szent | Moving Energy (and Prana)

​ Albert Szent-Györgyi was a Hungarian biochemist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1937. He is credited with first isolating vitamin C and discovering the components and reactions of the citric acid cycle. [1] Devoting himself to a study of the biochemistry of muscular action, he discovered a protein in muscle that he named "act...
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Can you solve 1+1= 1?

​ Love is the universal force that run the universe. Before money, nuclear weapons, quantum mechanics, and dinosaurs, Love was there ​ It's the foundation of life itself, and it is invincible, beyond birth and death. But Love implies strong qualities like Respect and Peace, which everyone has inside. We just need to manifest them in action. By remo...
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Cancer is not 'bad luck', 5-points, and the 0-5-30 rule

According to Vogelstein's study, we can't do much against 'bad luck' but we can succeed in controlling other factors like lifestyle, and nutrition.  [1] For example, we could adopt the 0-5-30 rule: 0 cigarettes, at least 5 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables, and 30 minutes of moderate exercise. Cancer is a complex topic, and a big business...
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5 Superpowers we didn't know we had

​ Since Marvel movies took over the industry, and Greta mentioned her advantage over their critics, superpowers have become cooler than ever. In this article I'd like to focus more on those powers that everyone has inside and that will deliver great value if we could use them. What uncle Ben once told Peter, has become famous: "with great powers, c...
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Reducing Hemorrhoids with TCM, and Yoga

Hemorrhoids, or Piles, are vascular structures in the anal canal. In their normal state, they are cushions that help with stool control. They become a disorder when swollen or inflamed. Internal hemorrhoids often result in painless, bright red rectal bleeding when defecating. External hemorrhoids often result in pain and swelling in the area of the...
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​ Nishkamakarma means action without desire for the result. If we think that the average man will not engage in actions unless there is a clear benefit, this approach sounds like a 'mission impossible'. However in my view this is very interesting because it triggers fundamental questions that we usually take for granted. For example, who's acting? ...
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Clarity & Charity

​ We often see people looking for help, and we usually have different behaviors about it. Probably the basic question is: why should I help others? In general helping others is always appropriate, regardless of the situation. But the answer is not so obvious, as there are multiple situations where helping could take different forms and trigger diff...
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The benefits of Yoga.

Harvard Health  Yoga (Hata Yoga) promotes physical and mental health in many different ways. Some of these benefits include better stress management, concentration, and clearer consciousness which may support your journey towards Self-realization. Following are some of the physical benefits of yoga that have a growing body of research behind t...
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​3 Misconceptions of Yoga

Yoga (Hata Yoga) promotes physical and mental health in many different ways. Some of these benefits include better stress management, concentration, and clearer consciousness which may support your journey towards Self realisation. As discussed by Patanjali, Yoga is an inner path to self discovery, which means union with the self, or Atma. People e...
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