By Kate Johnson on Monday, 27 February 2023
Category: Blog

How to live longer?

The short answer is: support your body-mind complex, don't go against it.

And yes, there is more that just eating salads and walking.

Lifestyle is important, but to have a conductive lifestyle requires some effort. It doesn't come natural for most of people.
If you keep smoking, enjoying junk-food and drinking, you can't expect your body to always function properly, do you?
So, trying to reduce bad habits may definitely give some relief to our body.

But there are 2 key aspects related to our lifestyle that tend to be forgotten: the ability to change, and the unconscious mind.

If we want to improve, we need to change because improving means changing what we're doing. As Einstein once said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

So motivation is not granted. We need to understand and to support the change, otherwise it won't happen.
For example, we know that smoking cause cancer. There is plenty of medical evidence about that, but still we can't quit. We say "yes, smoking may cause cancer, but even breathing the air in our cities is not good, so why a cigarette should make a difference?"
So understanding helps us to become conscious of the problem, but first we need to accept that there is a problem if we don't change. Yes, unfortunately if we don't tackle the problem it usually get worse.

The second crucial aspect is the unconscious mind.
You may be surprised to know that, according to Sigmund Freud, our unconscious mind has a life on its own. The scientific community estimates that 95% of our brains activity is unconscious, meaning that the majority of the decisions we make, our actions, our emotions and behaviors, depend on the 95% of brain activity that lies beyond conscious awareness. In financial terms we could say that we own about 5% of a company whereas the remaining 95% is controlled by someone else.

This explains a lot, including our struggle to change, and marketing teams use this fact to target us with subliminal messages.
A subliminal message is a technique used in marketing to influence People's behavior
without them being aware of what the messenger is doing. This may involve the use of cues that affect the audience at a level below conscious awareness.
For example, a particular tag line on a perfume calls for your inner desire to be successful with your partner. A similar message may appeal to our unconscious desire to appear stronger if we buy a SUV that is somewhat intimidating.
The unconscious mind is a bundle of desires and fears that largely are capable to drive our behavior.

Toxic desires and fears may destroy or harm the individual in the long term, whereas positive desires may help us to thrive.
We just need to find the right balance and when this happen when we become more confident because we know that our unconscious mind no longer can sabotage us.

But how to cleanup the mess we've created in our unconscious mind?
Practicing the Human Values is a simple and effective way to clean our mind of its own imaginations and fears, and of course to live longer. [1]

The sleep pattern, our irritability and anxiety are a way to measure the content of our unconscious mind.

Following five good sleep habits added nearly five years to a man's life expectancy and almost 2.5 years to a woman's life, a new study found.

First, make sure you get a full seven to eight hours of sleep each night.
You need have to have an uninterrupted, restful sleep. That means you don't wake up during the night or have trouble falling asleep and you feel rested when you wake up. No, you'd not cheat by using sleeping pills. They treat the symptom not the root cause of the problem which may get worse with time. Pills create a dependency and won't really help to get a restful sleep. [2]

How to get there?
If we exclude particular diseases and medications, most of the time we just need to address our unconscious mind.
A lifestyle that is positive toward yourself and others around you, will help to balance desires and fears and in turn our behavior.


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