By Brian Tracy on Tuesday, 01 June 2021
Category: Blog

Why going to Mars could be a bad idea -for everyone

As an engineer I get it, going to Mars must be an exciting experience.
New challenges, tools, science and discovery. They all converge in this magical challenge, a piece of history for mankind where we can make a difference. But wait, do we really need that?

Because it's feasible , it doesn't necessarily mean that we need it.
Because we can buy electric toothbrush , it doesn't mean wee need it.

Of course, we go to Mars for the good of mankind; to save us from a meteoric extinction.
We're so brave that we've calculated the probability of a meteor to hit the Earth, and guess what, hitting the Earth is much more likely than hitting Mars, so going to Mars is the best choice you can make.

Still not getting it?

Well, that's because you're not smart enough.
But fear not, we're here to explain, to clarify and to teach you all the details. We care about you, and you're in good hands with us.

Sounds too familiar? Keep reading.

Remember when the DDT was first introduced?
In the life science industry, DDT (a trichloroethane), was a pesticide developed by Monsanto in the 1950s, and it was sold as safe for humans and the environment. 10 years later, it was withdrawn from the market, due to mounting evidence of its carcinogenic effects on humans. [1]

Decades ago (synthetic) antibiotics were considered a 'miracle', until WHO (World Health Org.) declared antibiotic resistance as one of the top global threats. [2]

Addiction to painkillers and to psychotropic drugs have become a global issue. [3] [4]

OK, coming back to Mars, why it may be bad for us?

Would you like to visit a place where there is no breathable air, temperatures around -70 Celsius, nothing to eat, and no internet?

Probably Siberia would be a better place, but I think the real problem about Mars is: Waste.

We want to go there because discovery is in our blood, and we want to create new and wonderful communities there, finally plastic free.

Yes we can do it, because we've successfully spoiled the Earth in just a few hundreds years, and now we're ready to export the model to other planets.

Improving the environment on Earth? What a bizarre thought!
We refuse to improve the Earth, for example by reducing the Co2 and other pollutants because it's too costly for the industry, it's just not sustainable. Like it or not climate changes are irreversible, so it's much wiser to 'look ahead' and export our success stories beyond the horizon.

I think the practice of human values is simple and effective to clean up our mind, and to move forwards in the inner space of unlimited peace and love. [5]


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