By Brian Tracy on Friday, 10 July 2020
Category: Blog

Can you solve 1+1= 1?

Love is the universal force that run the universe.

Before money, nuclear weapons, quantum mechanics, and dinosaurs, Love was there

It's the foundation of life itself, and it is invincible, beyond birth and death.
But Love implies strong qualities like Respect and Peace, which everyone has inside. We just need to manifest them in action.
By removing one bad habit today, we make a small step towards our true nature of Love.
No matter how long is the journey, it always start with one step.

The magic of Love is such that it's the same in all beings.
We can add it over and over, and it remains the same. It's a universal constant.
Like a candle is not diminished when we light another one, so Love moves around without losing strength. It doesn't gain or lose anything, because it gives and forgives.

5 Human Values ​:

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