How to Stop Negative Thoughts From Polluting Your Mind

Results Empowerment 

Thoughts can sometimes be difficult to manage, especially when it comes to negative ones. Often, when we begin to think negatively about something or someone, we're taken into a downward vortex that's very hard to come out of.

There are so many things you can be negative about. Negative about yourself, for example, you can be negative about:

  • Your abilities because you don't feel good enough, talented enough, intelligent enough, etc. Your looks because you see yourself as being too short, too tall, too fat, too skinny, too brown, too beige, too blue, etc.
  • Negative about someone else (boss, spouse, kids, friends, etc.). For example, you can be negative about: the way someone treated you, someone else's looks because you don't like their choice of clothes, their makeup, their nose, their toe, etc.
  • Negative about something. For example, you can be negative about: the rain or the cold, the political party that was elected, a life event that left you wounded and sour
  • your future , and you worry about it

It's easy to find things to be negative about. You're not perfect, and neither are the people in your life. You have weaknesses and make mistakes, and so do they. Also, unpleasant events and situations are part of life. This makes finding food for negative thoughts quite simple.

However, dwelling in negative thinking isn't serving you: it saps your energy, wastes your time and unnecessarily uses up mind-power.

The good news is that you can prevent negative thoughts from polluting your mind by:

  • Making the decision not to let negative thoughts pollute your mind. Although it sometimes doesn't feel like it, you have the ability to control your thoughts and decide what you focus on. Refuse to focus on unproductive, negative thoughts; focus on healthy, productive, and empowering ones.
  • Monitoring what goes on in your mind. When you catch yourself engaging in negative thoughts, make the conscious decision to stop, and turn your attention to something good in your life. This will prevent you from getting caught up in the downward vortex of negative thinking.
  • Staying away from negative people. Don't let others pollute your mind. Negative people (critical and pessimistic people) can be contagious: before you know it, you can find yourself engaged in their pity-party and cynicism. Seek to surround yourself with people who uplift and empower you.
  • Cultivating a positive mindset. Be intentional about it: read inspiring literature, watch empowering shows, engage in positive activities, meditate on positive things, be grateful for the good things in your life, etc.
  • Having a handle on your thoughts isn't easy. With discipline, you can learn to stop negative thoughts from polluting your mind.